As is currently the case

Is there a reasonable basis for a Christian, or Jew, to have a justified fearful apprehension of the practice of Islamic theology, and of the aggressive Muslim agenda taught and represented by the Prophet Mohammed in the Koran? Does the Koran teach that Muslims should be honest, peaceful, and tolerant human beings in their associations with people Mohammed called infidels, Pandora Schmuck or is it quite the opposite? These questions are answered quite differently around the world by Shiite and Sunni cross-sections of over-a-billion-strong world Muslim population. The majority of these devout practicing Muslims are the religion’s fundamentalists who are citizens of the Middle-Eastern countries that were parts of the original Mohammedan Empire, which occupied and controlled most of the Holy Land, and a good deal of Europe, between 700-1100 A.D.

As is currently the case, the reading and interpreting of the Koran by a Muslim cleric in Islamabad, Pakistan and Kabul, Afghanistan, is considerably different than that done in a mosque in San Francisco, Pandora Charms California. The fundamental commandments of love and peace given by Mohammed in the Koran, the ones he gave while he was, supposedly, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, are quite different, and quite opposed, to the ones he later gave to his disciples in Medina, which he said basically abrogated, or changed, his former commandments. These new commandments of abrogation mandated all faithful Muslims to seek out and, either, convert, capture, or kill infidels in accordance with, and fulfillment of, the sixth pillar of Islam, jihad or warring conflict. These infidels, according to Mohammed, comprised all Jews and practicing Christians, or those who worshipped the Christian trinity or Godhead. Furthermore, Mohammed encouraged faithful Muslims to lie and deceive the infidels into postures of submission to the Islamic Supreme Being, Allah. Over 350 verses in the Koran teach nothing but hate for the infidel. In one of them, (Muslim C9B1N31), Mohammed said “I have been commanded to fight against people until they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and believe in me (that) I am the messenger and in all that I have brought.” Pandora Gold Hence, the meaning of the word Islam is rendered to mean submission to the will of Allah. Classical Islamic scholars have argued that anyone who has studied the Koran or Qur’an, without having mastered the doctrine of abrogation is basically deficient. Those faithful Muslims who do not accept abrogation actually fall outside the Islamic mainstream and, perhaps, even the religion itself. Yet, the Ahmadiyah Islamic sect, today concentrated in Pakistan, consistently rejects abrogation only because it makes it seem that the Koran is not free from errors.

Compared to the commandments of Jesus Christ, in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, which admonish all human beings to love and treat their neighbors as themselves, the commandments of Mohammed, in the Koran, are basically one-sided in terms of theological purpose, for they are written to only apply to how Muslims are to love and respect other Muslims, not how Muslims are to respect “all” of God’s children. Cheap True Religion Jeans The austerity and strictness of fundamentalist Islamic theology, as taught and applied in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, do not derive from any other source than the Koran, as read and interpreted by classic Islamic clerics. This is why Sharia Law (or traditional Islamic law) has been advocated by Islamic leaders of burgeoning Muslim populations in Western nations, such as the United Kingdom, as the law that should be allowed to govern all Muslims.

There are, for instance, so many fundamentalist Muslims in London that the British have allowed them to practice their own laws and traditions in place of British law. Among other Islamic traditions, Sharia Law permits, and enforces polygamy and, even, honor killings, wherein daughters and sons of fundamentalist Muslim families, Pandora Glas who choose infidel mates over faithful practicing Muslims, are murdered for the honor of the families. And this type of law is, apparently, what Barack H. Obama has been quietly advocating over the years, first as a U.S. senator from Illinois and now as U.S. President, for practicing Muslims in the United States, which has clearly demonstrated his apparent higher regard for Islamic tradition and theology over what he claims are his Christian faith and values. This might explain why an 18 percent-and-growing segment of the American electorate believe that Obama is not really a Christian in basic belief.

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